To simplify the process of approving project documentation by power utility with various third parti…

To simplify the process of approving project documentation by power utility with various third parties by establishing fixed terms for securing such approvals (with the cost calculated based upon the power capacity declared by the customer and implementation of a “silent (implied) consent” mechanism, including the liability of the power utility for any failure to observe such terms, calculated as a percentage of the total cost of getting hooked up, which should be reimbursed to the customer.

Based on the report:


National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission,



— comments: Clauses 4.2.4, 4.3.3, 4.5.6 of the Code on Distribution Systems set forth as follows:Time limits for the preparation and issuance by the transmission organization of the draft hook-up agreement and the signed technical specifications, which are an integral part of the hook-up agreement (no later than 10 working days from the day of the customer's hook-up application regarding the electrical installation and 20 working days, if it is necessary to agree them);the deadlines for the provision of the standard connection service for the electrical installations of the first-to-third power levels (20-30 calendar days from the date of payment by the customer to the transmission organization of the hook-up fee in accordance with the hook-up agreement);the deadline for the provision of the non-standard hook-up service ("turnkey") (120-350 calendar days).The hook-up agreements, which are integral Annexes 1 and 3 to the Code on Distribution Systems, Section 5 thereof establishes the liability of the DSO in the event of the breach of its obligations under the hook-up agreement.

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