To improve the current practice of allotting land plots required for constructing and operating powe…

To improve the current practice of allotting land plots required for constructing and operating power networks through wider use of a land servitude mechanism: for land plots that are in communal ownership – not requiring a servitude agreement to involve a decision by vote during a session of the local council, but accepting as sufficient the signature of authorized officials, such as the mayor, the land department manager, and the council secretary, ensuring that general grounds for termination of land servitude agreement32 may, in certain cases, not apply to servitudes executed for the placement of electrical facilities.

Based on the report:


Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry,


In process

— comments: To date, the Parliament continues working on the Draft Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Land Code of Ukraine and Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine regarding the Issuance of Rights to Land under Energy Sector", registered under the number 6255, dated 28 March 2017, seeking improvement of the current legislation in the field of establishment of the land servitude on energy lands. Current status: "30 March 2017 - Submitted for review":

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Next recommendation: To hook up a customer’s power unit to power network pursuant to contract only (without filing a sepa...