
Welcome to the new website of the Business Ombudsman Council

The Business Ombudsman Council is launching an updated website to get closer to entrepreneurs who need support in communicating with the state bodies  and to provide services for the business rights protection.

The Council’s website is a key platform in the interaction of business with the institution. Having strengthened the basic functionality of the site, we simplified its navigation. It is through the site that businesses can file a complaint with the Council, attaching all the necessary documents.

We have improved the form for submitting a complaint, as well as added a graph that allows to assess the compliance of an appeal with the criteria of the Council’s Regulations.

In addition, there is an opportunity to leave feedback on cooperation with the Council and to subscribe to the BOC newsletter through the website.

As open as possible to business and the public, the Council offers an updated section with examples of closed investigations and up-to-date statistics demonstrating the key results of the Business Ombudsman’s work. We dedicated separate pages of the website to brochures and webinars, so that finding the necessary information is faster and more convenient.

All our contacts remain well known. We will be happy to respond to your inquiry through any convenient communication channel. Please save the contacts!

📍Regarding filing complaints: info@boi.org.ua

📍Media inquiries: pr@boi.org.ua

📍Telegram chat: Business_Ombudsman_Council

📍Contact number: +380 99 237 37 37

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Next news: Less tax invoice suspensions, more inspections