Update: This vacancy is now closed
The Selection Committee, appointed by the Supervisory Board of the Business Ombudsman Council on February 15, 2019, invites potential candidates to submit applications for a position of the Business Ombudsman in Ukraine.
Section 1 – Details
Job Title: The Business Ombudsman
Organisation: Business Ombudsman Council, Ukraine
Duration of Contract: 2 years
Languages Required: English
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
Closing date: 15 March 2019
Section 2 – Purpose of Job
The Business Ombudsman investigates complaints concerning alleged acts of corruption and other violations of legitimate interests of businesses by actions or omissions (including decisions) on the part of state and municipal authorities, businesses within the scope of their administration, and their officials.
Section 3 – Background
On 12 May 2014, the Government of Ukraine signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the EBRD, the OECD, and five local business associations. The parties to the MoU agreed to establish a Business Ombudsman Council (BOC), whose key objective is to address systemic corruption and unfair business practices in Ukraine which cause severe damage to both the investment climate and the wider economy in the country. On 26 November 2014 the Cabinet of Ministers has adopted the Resolution on the Business Ombudsman Council – the legislative basis for the initial functioning of the BOC.
The Business Ombudsman Council includes the Business Ombudsman, two Deputies, and other staff that the Council may hire, as the need arises, in accordance with current regulations. Currently, the Council’s team consists of 35 people: distinguished experts with mostly western education and practical experience in law, strategic management, economics, auditing, and risk management. The BOC is headed by the Business Ombudsman.
Section 4 – Accountabilities & Responsibilities
The Business Ombudsman is responsible for, but not necessarily limited to, the following assigned duties:
(1) be the head of the BOC and determine the strategy of its activities consistent with the applicable legislation, the MoU, the Regulation on the BOC (and, when adopted, the Law on the BOC), and the BOC Rules of Procedure;
(2) decide whether to accept a complaint for investigation according to the BOC Rules of Procedure;
(3) make decisions with respect to the tasks assigned to the BOC under the BOC Regulation and the BOC Rules of Procedure;
(4) represent the BOC in relations with the Supervisory Board of the BOC and any other third parties;
(5) report to the BOC Supervisory Board on the BOC’s performance;
(6) make decisions regarding the involvement of experts, academics, specialists for the performance of the tasks assigned to the BOI;
(7) exercise control over the work of the Deputy Business Ombudsmen and the BOC Secretariat; and
(8) have such other authority and perform such other responsibilities as specified in the BOC Rules of Procedure or as the BOC Supervisory Board may decide.
Section 5 – Knowledge, Skills, Experience and Qualifications
∙ Candidate shall possess the knowledge, ability and experience required to properly perform his/her duties: Master Degree in Economics or Law, deep knowledge of economic, social and political problems in Ukraine and relevant professional background.
∙ Candidate shall be a person of the highest personal and professional integrity and should be regarded as such within the Ukrainian business community.
∙ Demonstrated ability to work effectively with political and civic leaders at the highest levels as well as members of the donor and diplomatic community.
∙ Experience and demonstrated leadership skills in managing people and teams.
∙ Excellent written and oral communication skills in English.
∙ Ability to work to deadlines and under time pressure.
∙ Excellent understanding of relevant systems and processes.
Section 6 – Restrictions
∙ Candidate shall not hold any position, or perform any activities that are, or may be perceived to be, in conflict with the performance of his/her duties as a Business Ombudsman.
∙ Candidate is not entitled to hold in Ukraine any elective position, hold other positions in state and municipal authorities, perform any other paid or non-paid work in such authorities or legal entities within the scope of administration of the state or municipal authorities and any other businesses engaged in business activities, except for non-paid advisory or consulting activities performed in connection with their official capacity.
∙ Candidate shall not be members of any political party in Ukraine or engage in activities that conflict with the principle of unbiased performance of Business Ombudsman’s duties.
∙ Candidate shall not have financial or other investment interest in businesses, institutions, organisations irrespective of the form of ownership, which are established or which perform business activities on the territory of Ukraine.
∙ Incapacitated persons or persons with restricted civil capacity, persons who have an un-expunged or an outstanding conviction for a committed crime, including abroad, that has not been released under the prescribed procedure are not eligible to be the Business Ombudsman.
∙ Persons who are or, for the past three years, have been public officials in Ukraine or who have held in Ukraine, an office in the state, municipal authorities or legal entities within the scope of administration of the state or municipal authorities are not eligible to be the Business Ombudsman.
To apply for the vacancy please send your resume to: cv@boi.org.ua

Call for applications: the position of the Business Ombudsman in Ukraine