Subject of Complaint: State Fiscal Service (SFS), Cherkasy State Tax Inspectorate (Cherkasy tax office)
Complaint in brief: On September 15, 2017, an enterprise distributing mineral fertilizers applied to the BOC with complaint against the SFS and the Cherkasy tax office. The Complainant could not register tax invoices worth over UAH 680,000.
During August, the automatic tax invoice registration system stopped 11 of the firm’s tax invoices. In order to unblock them, the Complainant provided to the SFS through the Cherkasy STI additional confirmation proving validity of the firm’s operations, and a taxpayer data sheet. This data sheet explained the nature of its operations, including the codes of goods being purchased and produced by the applicant. However, the SFS commission did not take this information into account and continued to refuse to register the tax invoices. Nor did the Commission offer any reasons for the refusal.
With its tax invoices blocked, the firm’s counterparties could not use a tax credit worth more than UAH 680,000 in time. According to the Complainant, the firm had to compensate the losses to partners in order to continue working with them.
Action taken: The BOC investigator officially addressed the SFS Commission chair asking for an explanation for ignoring the Complainant’s data sheet and possible ways to resolve the reasons. In addition, the investigator sent a written request to the SFS Complaints Commission to conduct a comprehensive and impartial analysis of the company’s case.
Result achieved: On October 19, the Complainant reported that all 11 disputed tax invoices had successfully been registered. Indeed, since the SFS adopted the company’s taxpayer data sheet, this guaranteed that tax invoices on similar operations would not be blocked in future.
SFS registers Cherkasy enterprise’s tax invoices worth over UAH 680,000