Subject of complaint: Mariupol Joint State Tax Inspectorate of the Donetsk Oblast Main Administration of the SFS (Mariupol tax office), Mariupol State Treasury Department (Mariupol treasury)
Complaint in brief: At the end of June 2017, the BOC received a complaint from “Azovmash”, a Mariupol-based manufacturer of railway cars and heavy machinery. The Complainant had been trying to get a profit tax overpayment of UAH 2 million refunded since 2014. The company had addressed the district, appeals and high administrative courts of Ukraine, all of whom had ruled in the Complainant’s favor. Still, the Mariupol tax office and Mariupol treasury failed to carry out these rulings and evaded a refund in every possible way.
Action taken: On June 30, the BOC investigator turned to the SFS and the State Treasury Service of Ukraine, requesting to check the procedures for refunding the Complainant. As a result, the State Treasury confirmed that the overpayment was supposed to be refunded to the Complainant.
Result achieved: On August 2, the Complainant reported that the overpayment had been refunded in full. Due to BOC intervention, a case that had gone unresolved for over three years was successfully closed in six weeks.
SFS refunds “Azovmash” a profit tax overpayment worth UAH 2mn