Subject of the complaint: Vyshgorod Сity Council Executive Committee (Vyshgorod City Council)
Complaint in brief: In May 2017, the BOC received a complaint from the developer of the residential complex in Vyshgorod against actions by the Vyshgorod City Council. For two years, the Complainant had been trying to receive the approved technical specifications (TS) to connect a new building to the centralized water supply and sewage systems. The reason of it might be contradictions on other issues between the Complainant and state bodies in the past. The issue of water supply and sewage connections to a 1,100-apartment complex was left up in the air. According to law, such TSs are supposed to be issued within 10 days from the registration of an application. According to the procedure, Vodokanal prepares the TS and the City Council either approves or rejects it. In the second case, the applicant has the right to challenge such a decision in court.
Vodokanal prepared TSs four times and sent each of them to the Vyshgorod City Council, but no decision to approve or reject the TS had been made because each session lacked a quorum for the vote.
Since it was not getting any decision from the city council, the Complainant turned to the Kyiv office of the Antimonopoly Committee. The AMC saw evidence of abuse and raised the issue for internal review, but it didn’t facilitate a resolution of the problem. The buildings continued to wait for commissioning.
Actions taken: The BOC investigator turned to the Mayor of Vyshgorod with a request that the matter be brought up at the next meeting of the City Council.
Result achieved: On June 23, the Vyshgorod City Council finally approved the request for the complex to be hooked up to the centralized water supply and sewage systems. A case that had gone unresolved for over two years was successfully closed.
Vyshgorod residential complex is finally hooked up to central water and sewage