#BOС_helpline is an operational tool for business communication with the Business Ombudsman Council in wartime. Within the helpline we help businesses address pressing issues arising from the war. Thus, one of the applicants of the BOC helpline was a distributor of household electrical appliances. He did not know how to get a temporary permit for drivers to travel abroad in order to import critical imports into Ukraine.
The investigator provided the company with free legal advice, in which the algorithm of actions for crossing the border was explained.
Therefore, in order for the company’s drivers to be able to cross the border for freight traffic, they should turn to the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine or regional military administrations with a respective application. The application in any form, preferably on the company’s template, can be submitted to the Ministry of Infrastructure from its own e-mail address or electronically through the e-office of the carrier Ulyrtransbezpeky / DSBT system (electronic service “Application for intersection 18-60”). The letter should be sent to zmiu98916@gmail.com.
It is important that the application contains information:
1) about drivers: name, year of birth, position, military rank, military accounting specialty and its № ___;
2) name, address, EDRPOU code of the enterprise;
3) the name of the territorial center and social support (by location, enterprise, institution, organization) – this is essentially a military registration and enlistment office at the location of your enterprise;
4) the name of the territorial center and social support (according to the location of the conscript on the military register) – a conscription office, where your driver is registered.
Read more about crossing the border by conscripts here: https://bit.ly/3xJ8xir
Rules of border-crossing for conscripts