Subject of Complaint: State Fiscal Service (SFS), Pechersk District State Tax Inspection, Kyiv
Complaint in Brief: In late March 2016, the Complainant filed a complaint on behalf of two legal entities registered in the Pechersk District in the City of Kyiv. During that month, both companies repeatedly experienced trouble registering their tax invoices. During each registration attempt, the STI declared that mistakes were identified in the tax invoices and requested that a company representative meet at its office for details. Yet no clear legal grounds were provided to the company representative. As a result, the commercial activity of the complainants was effectively put on hold.
Actions taken: In order to settle the matter as soon as practically possible, the BOC investigator held a conference call with the First Deputy Director of the Pechersk District State Tax Inspection in Kyiv. In the course of the call, it was identified that the STI has no reservations with respect to these taxpayers, as well as that there are no grounds for blocking the registration of VAT invoices.
Result achieved: Following this conversation, the STI reinstated the registration of both companies’ tax invoices, which allowed them to continue normal business operations. The issue was solved within two weeks of receiving the complaint.
Registration of tax invoices is reinstated