Complainee: State Fiscal Service (SFS), Central Office of Large Taxpayers (COLT)
Complaint in Brief: The Complainant reported allegedly illegitimate actions by the Central Office of Large Taxpayers (COLT) in respect of a tax audit of a leading international manufacturer of insulation materials. Based on the results of the tax audit, tax authorities had issued the tax notifications, which the Complainant challenged with the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. At this point, the Complainant asked the BOC to insure that the complaint on respective tax notifications-decisions would be considered properly.
Actions taken: The BOC requested the SFS to carefully consider the complaint and a BOC investigator participated in the hearing of the appeal.
Result achieved: As a result of the BOC’s involvement, at the end of April the SFS decided to partially cancel the tax notifications related to the deduction of the VAT. The direct financial impact for the Complainant was UAH 379,786.
Tax notifications were partially cancelled in the part of UAH 379,786