To draw up and submit a draft law to amend the Budget Code of Ukraine and other related regulatory a…

To draw up and submit a draft law to amend the Budget Code of Ukraine and other related regulatory acts, including: establishing clear deadlines, until which payments for procurement contracts must be made, typically not more than 30 working days, instituting penalties for past due payments.

Based on the report:


Ministry of Finance,



— comments: Compromise implementation: There appeared a long-awaited feature of checking payment under the contract in ProZorro public procurement electronic system. As a consequence of efforts from the Ministry of Economic Development, ProZorro team, the Ministry of Finance, the E-Data system and .007 project, now everyone is able not only to familiarize oneself with the text of a contract signed with a tender winner, but also to find out if payment was made thereunder.

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Next recommendation: To make sure that the AMCU’s e that annual plans, prepared by the AMCU, clearly specify (i) the main...