To make sure that the AMCU’s e that annual plans, prepared by the AMCU, clearly specify (i) the main…

To make sure that the AMCU’s e that annual plans, prepared by the AMCU, clearly specify (i) the main priority areas of the AMCU’s activities for the forthcoming year; and, where relevant, (ii) markets that will be subjected to comprehensive studies.

Based on the report:


Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine,



— comments: Please see, in particular, the AMCU’s Annual Report for 2017 (approved by the AMCU’s Regulation dated 28 February 2018 No.5—рп). Furthermore, at the official AMCU’s website is indicated the Action plan on drafting regulatory acts for current year.

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Next recommendation: To adopt legislative amendments aimed at unleashing the AMCU’s existing institutional capacity...