To provide clear distribution of powers between different agencies regarding the assignment of posta…

To provide clear distribution of powers between different agencies regarding the assignment of postal addresses to buildings and properties, in Sec. I “Organizational and legal basis for local government” in the Law of Ukraine “On local governance” and Part 1 “The competencies of local state administrations” in the Law of Ukraine “On local state administrations”.

Based on the report:


Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Residential Services,



— comments: On 20 March 2018, the Council received a letter from the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Residential Services dated 02 March 2018. No.7/14-2227, according whereto the last Draft Law "On amending certain laws of Ukraine regarding improvement of urban development" was elaborated (as of 04 May 2016 No.4585), which regulated the issue of assigning postal addresses to the construction sites within and outside the settlements. However, according to the letter of the CMU dated 30 December 2017 No.7532/0/2-17, the said Draft Law was withdrawn from VRU. At present, suggestions for regulating the issue of determining the procedure for providing a construction site with address are included in the Draft Laws "On amending certain legislative acts of Ukraine on improving the investment climate in Ukraine" (No.6540 dated 06 June 2017) and "On amending certain legislative acts of Ukraine in the sphere of urban development" (No.7085 dated 06 September 2017), which are included on the agenda of the seventh session of the VRU of the eighth convocation in accordance with the resolution of the VRU No.2149-VIII dated 10 March 2017. On 22 March 2018 the Draft Law "On amending certain legislative acts of Ukraine in the sphere of urban development" No.7085 dated 09 June 2017 was adopted in the first reading. At the moment, the Draft Law is being prepared for a second reading.

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Next recommendation: To establish procedures for assigning a postal address in the Law of Ukraine “On postal commun...