To develop service quality indicators and classify them accordingly, as well as to develop control m…

To develop service quality indicators and classify them accordingly, as well as to develop control monitoring and enforcement systems.

Based on the report:


National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission,



— comments: The monitoring of quality indicators of power supply services was introduced by the NEURC in 2006 and is currently being implemented in accordance with its Resolution, dated 23 March 2017 No.345: In accordance with the NEURC’s Resolution, dated 31 May 2017 No.714, which came into force on 09 October 2017, monitoring of quality indicators for power transmission - NEC "Ukrenergo": is being implemented.In water supply and sewage sphere, service quality indicators monitoring was introduced with the adoption of the NEURC’s Resolution, dated 23 February 2017 No.226, which came into force on 23 August 2017: In natural gas supply sphere, monitoring of commercial services quality indicators is carried out in accordance with the NEURC’s Resolution No.1156, dated 21 September 2017, which came into force on 10 August 2017: http: //zakon3.rada /laws/ show/v1156874-17 Besides this, the NEURC develops quality indicators for heat supply services reporting forms. Control over compliance with quality of service indicators is exercised during control of compliance of the licensees with the legislation and licensing terms and conditions.

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Next recommendation: To design the procedure for overseeing that licensees uphold the terms of their licenses to do busin...