To develop a concept of switching to a fixed hook-up fee with due consideration of all required proc…

To develop a concept of switching to a fixed hook-up fee with due consideration of all required procedures, financial sources and stakeholders that relieves the customer from the obligation to seek Technical Specifications for getting hooked up.

Based on the report:


National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission,



— comments: There is a final (but not yet approved with the Energy Community) Draft Methodology (order) for the formation of the fee for hooking-up to transmission and distribution systems.Also, according to the clause 4.6.2 of the Code on Distribution Systems in the case of standard and non-standard “turnkey” hook-up, the development of design and appraisal documentation for the electrical installation of external power supply is carried out by the DSO (and includes an input device with a switching device).Meanwhile, the technical specifications contain requirements for engineering maintenance in the customer's networks and, accordingly, the design and construction thereof shall be ensured by the Customer; the terms of reference (technical task) contain the requirements for engineering maintenance in the DSO networks and, accordingly, their design and construction shall be carried out by the DSO

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