To revise the Procedure of Taxpayers’ Record Keeping to significantly narrow down the scope of disc…

To revise the Procedure of Taxpayers’ Record Keeping to significantly narrow down the scope of discretionary power currently vested with the tax authorities. In particular, the following amendments are worth being considered: the grounds for launching verification of the tax payers’ location by the tax authorities shall be limited to include only limited and specific number of instances to be directly envisaged in the legislation (for instance, during a tax audit of a taxpayer deemed to be in violation of its duties); if the information on the taxpayer’s location is properly confirmed through the State Registrar, this should be regarded as the sufficient proof for tax authorities; moreover, in this case tax authorities shall not be entitled to carry out such verification for certain reasonable period of time (for instance, one year).

Based on the report:


Ministry of Finance, State Tax Service of Ukraine,



— comments: Commencing March 2016, the fiscal authorities are no longer entitled to issue the form 18-OPP (notice on the absence of legal entity at its location).Respective provisions have been excluded from the Procedure for Taxpayer Registration pursuant to the Order of the Ministry of Finance No.375 dated 18 March 2016.

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Next recommendation: To ensure proper and effective control over regulatory practices employed by the local tax authoriti...