To publish a consolidated Official List of Goods Subject to State Export Control Service on the offi…

To publish a consolidated Official List of Goods Subject to State Export Control Service on the official website of the State Export Control Service. The Service must ensure that the List is updated regularly.

Based on the report:


State Export Control Service, Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine,



— comments: In 2017, the Export Control Service has harmonized all changes to the Single List of Dual-Use Goods subject to Export Control, which in its structure corresponds to the List of Dual-Use Items of the European Union, given in Annex I to the Council Regulation (EC) No.428/2009 dated 5 May 2009, setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items.

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Next recommendation: To ensure that the State Export Control Service complies with timeframes for state reviews and consi...