To ensure systematization (sorting) of sets of published data by subject, keywords, popularity of se…
To ensure systematization (sorting) of sets of published data by subject, keywords, popularity of sets among users, etc on its website, as well as to enable performing of a “smart” search among data sets. All data must be published in a single format;
To ensure publication of comprehensive data on results of control and audit measures – i.e. in addition to already published information on audits, whose results have been reconciled, to publish data on audits, whose results have not been reconciled. To provide the ability to sort data by departments, so that users have access to information on selected types of audits;
To ensure publication of comprehensive information on the outcomes of administrative appeal; in particular, to add information on the amount of additional charges for all types of TNDs, as well as information on TNDs (the number and additionally accrued amounts) by oblast;
To streamline publication of information on results of judicial consideration in a format enabling to effectively process such information. Supplement the data with information on the main categories of cases under consideration, as well as on the manner in which cases are considered by particular judicial authorities;
To ensure regular publication of the following data on the results of SEA VAT and SMKOR work: (1) Regarding SEA VAT: – Information on the suspended registration limit amount in SEA VAT (through arrest or otherwise); – Information on the registration limit amount, which was written off (reset to zero) in SEA VAT (to be broken down by grounds). (2) Regarding registration of tax invoices and adjustment calculations (TIs/ACs): – The number of TIs/ACs submitted for registration with the URTI, their respective amounts, the number of VAT payers, who submitted them for registration; – The number of TIs/ACs whose registration is suspended, their corresponding amounts, the number of VAT payers, whose TIs/ACs registration has been suspended (including risk criteria based on which they were suspended); – The number of TIs/ACs against which the decision of the Commission for TI/AC registration suspension in the URTI on TIs/ACs registration was made, the corresponding TIs/ACs amounts, the number of payers for which such decisions were made. The data should be broken down by regional and central commissions. – The number of TIs/ACs against which the decision of Commission for TI/AC registration suspension in the URTI on refusal to register TIs/ACs was made, the corresponding TIs/ACs amounts, the number of payers for whom such decisions were made. The data should be broken down by regional and central level commissions. – The number of TIs/ACs registered pursuant to court decision, the corresponding TIs/ACs amount, the number of payers, court decisions, including, which out of them were: registered with the URTI (TI/AC number, amount, number of taxpayers, number of court decisions); not registered with the URTI (number of TI/AC, amount, number of taxpayers, number of court decisions) (to be broken down by reasons for which they are not registered). – The number of TIs/ACs whose registration was denied by the court, corresponding TIs amounts, number of taxpayers, court decisions. (3) Regarding inclusion of taxpayers in the risky list: – The number of taxpayers for whom decisions (including new ones made in the reporting period) on compliance with their risk criteria remain valid (to be broken down by regional commissions, reporting periods); – The number of taxpayers for whom a decision on non-compliance with their risk criteria was made (to be broken down by regional commissions, periods) (including court decisions). (4) Regarding taking taxpayers’ data tables into account: – The number of taxpayers’ data tables taken into account and taxpayers for whom such tables were taken into account (to be broken down by regional level commissions, reporting periods, UCGFEA/SCGS incoming and outgoing codes). (5) The number of taxpayers’ data tables not taken into account and the number of taxpayers for whom such tables are not taken into account (to be broken down by regional level commissions, reporting periods, UCGFEA/SCGS incoming and outgoing codes).