To approve a new composition of the Expert Council with preserving current balance between public se…
To approve a new composition of the Expert Council with preserving current balance between public sector, business associations and expert community. To appoint at certain administrative position in the Expert Council (one of the deputies of the head, etc.) an official who will have an organization of the Expert Council’s work among his/her key responsibilities and who will have sufficient powers to organize its effective operation.
Systemize issues requiring issuance of the GTC (based on proposals that received from members of the Expert Council and information from other sources about current problems in the tax sphere), approve and bring to attention of members of the Expert Council a plan of work of the MoF on issuance of GTCs. Such a plan should include, inter alia, a list of all draft GTCs (topics for GTSc) that MoF plans to process with establishing their priority (taking into account opinions of members of the Expert Council), the order and terms of consideration. Such a plan should be regularly updated or replaced by a new one for the next period (for example, a quarter or six months).
Increase the frequency of meetings of the Expert Council, bringing it at least to the figure specified in paragraph 11 of Regulation on the Expert Council on preparation of GTCs of the MoF, approved by the Order of the MoF dated November 20, 2017, No. 948 (“Meetings of the Expert Council are held as needed, but at least once a quarter”.).
Increase a number of drafts GTCs discussed and voted in every meeting of the Expert Council up to at least 5.
Use extensively within the period between meetings of the Expert Council a practice of processing drafts GTCs remotely through exchange of amendments and comments and voting in the electronic form.