
The Council conducts a survey of business representatives

The Business Ombudsman Council conducts a survey of business representatives regarding their problems caused by the functioning of the risk assessment criteria monitoring system (SMKOR) as part of the investigation on its own initiative.
The investigation concerns the suspension of registration of tax invoices/adjustment calculations, the failure to take into account data tables and the inclusion of VAT taxpayers in the list of risky ones.
In order to achieve the maximum possible objectivity in the results of the investigation, the Council studies not only the position and statistics of state bodies, but also the experience and vision of entrepreneurs.
The survey is divided into several blocks:
Take part in the survey: https://bit.ly/3YdNO0V

  • General questions
  • questions about stopping the registration of tax invoices/adjustment calculations
  • questions about payer data tables
  • issues regarding compliance with risk criteria and
  • other issues

Next news: Vacancy: Investigator