
First regional visit — Roman Waschul goes to Odesa

The Business Ombudsman in Ukraine Roman Waschuk started his first regional tour from visiting Odesa.
Roman Waschuk jointly with the investigator Yuliia Mykhailiuk met with the Head of Odesa Regional State Administration Serhiy Hrynevetsky, with whom they discussed current challenges and perspectives of the region’s development. Later on, the BOC toolkit was presented to the local business community. Entrepreneurs handed over several case materials to the BOC representatives that were registered as individual complaints today and submitted for consideration by respective investigators. The meeting results were covered at the press briefing for local media.
Given that the vast majority of business complaints to the BOC concern tax issues, Roman Waschuk and Yuliia Mykhailiuk separatelt met with the leadership team of the Main Department of the State Tax Service in Odesa region to discuss cooperation in investigating entrepreneurs’ cases received by the Council (in puricular, issues concerding SMKOR operation).
In the end of the visit, the Business Ombudsman  visited the entreprise of its complainant TIS port logistics complex in Yuzhne.

Next news: BOC is looking for a Junor Investigator