Complainee: Ministry of Health of Ukraine (MOH)
Complaint in brief: The Council received complaints from two well-known antiseptic manufacturers that could not re-register their disinfectants. The companies have been present in Ukrainian personal hygiene market for years. According to the legislation, they updated registration of their products every five years. However, from 2018 the procedure of the state registration of disinfectants changed: instead of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service the responsibility for the registration of antiseptics shifted to the MOH. Due to the absence of the normative base the new procedure had not come into operation. Since then no manufacturer could register or re-register their goods. In this way, disinfectants continued to store and their expiry date was slowly approaching. The manufacturers appealed to the Council for help.
Actions taken: Having examined the case file, the Council acknowledged that the complaints of the enterprises were reasonable. The investigators concluded that the situation had signs of a systemic problem that affected interests of all manufacturers of disinfectants. The Council took the issue under control and recommended the MOH to complete the preparation of the regulatory acts for the registration of disinfectants. To discuss the complaints, the Council conducted a working meeting with the deputy minister and chief sanitary doctor.
Results achieved: The outbreak of coronavirus in the world triggered the resolution of the issue. The MOH upheld recommendations of the Council. In March 2020 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted the Regulation No. 908 that facilitated the state registration (re-registration) mechanism of disinfectants. On this ground, our complainants successfully re-registered disinfectants that had a registration expired last year. The products important for the quarantine appeared in stores. The case was successfully closed.
With the support of the Council two manufacturers of disinfectants re-registered