Complainee: Ministry of Health of Ukraine (MHU)
Complaint in brief: In 2018, two companies that produce and sell disinfectants, approached the Council with the same problem – they were unable to register disinfectants.
It should be noted, that previously the respective issue was resolved in 2018 with amendments (CMU Regulation №178 dated 14.03.2018) to the Order of state registration (re-registration) of disinfectants.
Nevertheless, after the adoption of the respective amendments Complainants still faced difficulties concerning the disinfectants registration procedure due to the unclear legal regulations.
Actions taken: The Council arranged several phone calls with MHU’s Public Health Department and Legal Affairs Department officials on the matter.
The Council’s investigator also arranged the meeting with MHU’s officials. As a result, it was established that the MHU’s Public Health Department was responsible for the consideration of applications on disinfectants registration. Though, many delays have been caused by the uncertainty concerning the status of some disinfectants’ health-hazardous components. The Public Health Department officials informed the Council that it was up to the Acting Minister of Health of Ukraine to decide on the matter. In this respect, the Council’s investigator contacted the Acting Minister of Health of Ukraine asking for solving the case.
Result achieved: Following this dialogue, the Acting Minister of Health of Ukraine informed the Council’s investigator about the signing of the respective documents.
At the beginning of February 2019, both Complaints informed the Council on the successful state registration of their disinfectants.
With the assistance of Council, MOH registers disinfectants