Subject of complaint: Verkhovna Rada (VR)
Complaint in brief: On October 12, 2016, enterprise “Kodymsky District Consumer Society”, registered in Odesa Oblast, turned to the BOC regarding the fee for state registration of changes to a legal address in a company’s statutory documents because of a change in the name of the street where the Complainant is registered. The street name was changed to comply with to the Law “On the condemnation of the communist and national socialist (Nazi) regimes in Ukraine, and a ban of promulgating their symbols” dated April 09, 2015 (the decommunization law).
Action taken: Having reviewed the case, the BOC investigator determined that after the adoption of the decommunization law, the fee for state registration of changes to legal address in statutory documents was not being charged. However, after the Law “On amending the Law ‘On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs and community groups’ entities were being charged the registration fee as of January 01, 2016. In addition, the investigator found out that the Verkhovna Rada had registered a bill to eliminate this fee. In view of this, the Council appealed to the Ministry of Justice and VR with letters in support of the bill.
Result achieved: On December 02, the Ministry of Justice informed the BOC that, as of November 02, 2016, the fee for registering changes to a legal address in statutory documents, including in connection with the decommunization law, had been dropped. The Complainant’s problem was solved.
Verkhovna Rada cancels fees for changing addresses in statutory documents