Subject: Tax inspections
Complainee: State Tax Service (STS)
Complaint in brief: The Council received a complaint from an agricultural enterprise from Kirovograd region due to arrest of the company’s VAT limit in the system of electronic administration of VAT (SEA VAT). The agricultural enterprise appealed to the court that had taken a decision in favor of the complainant and obliged the tax service to lift the arrest and enable the company to dispose of the registration limit. However, the tax authority did not rush to enforce the court’s decision that entered into force. Trying to recover the right to register VAT invoices the enterprise appealed to the STS. After the state body continuously delayed, the enterprise decided to gain support from the Business Ombudsman Council.
Actions taken: It should be noted that recently entrepreneurs have often turned to the Council with appeals of non-enforcement of court decisions on the relevant issues (registration of VAT invoices, arrests of limits in SEA VAT, etc.) The issue has become systemic long ago and requires compliance with the current legislation in the part of obligatory enforcement of court decisions that entered into force. In view of it, the Council recommended the STS to immediately unblock the amounts of VAT limits of the agricultural enterprise in the e-office of SEA VAT and enforce the court decision.
Results achieved: The Council ensured an effective dialogue with the controlling authority. After the Council intervened, the STS unblocked the registration limits of the company in the SEA VAT. The complainant finally managed to register tax invoices. The representative of the complainant’s company contacted the Council’s team that investigated the complaint, and thanked for their timely help: “During the last two months, the agricultural company appealed to different state bodies in order to settle the present issue, however we only received a response from the Business Ombudsman Council’s team”. The case wass successfully closed.
VAT invoices of agricultural entreprise registered