Complainee: The State Tax Service (STS), Main Department of the STS in Mykolaiv Oblast (Mykolaiv STS)
Complaint in brief: The Business Ombudsman Council received a complaint from a car repair company. The company complained that despite tax audit results on-goingcourt appeal the MD STS illegally entered a debt totaling to UAH 6.5 mln in the taxpayer’s integrated card. Due to such a debt, the company could not participate in tenders and could even lose its contractors.
The tax authority should have removed the company’s debt information from the system, but was in no hurry. To help the company resolve the arrears issue, the BOC launched its own investigation.
Actions taken: After examining materials of the complaint, the investigator found the complaint substantiated. The Council asked the MD STS to bring the complainant’s integrated card data in line with the requirements of the law, since the complainant’s monetary obligations were unreconciled at that time.
Result achieved: Due to timely application of the company to the institution, the BOC managed to help it. The STS corrected data in the taxpayer’s integrated card and deleted the information on the respective debt. The case was successfully closed.
UAH 6.5 mln tax debt dropped for Mykolaiv enterprise