Subject of complaint: Zaporizhzhia Oblast State Administration (ZOSA)
Complaint in brief: At the end of March 2017, a company TOV “EuroСape Ukraine I” specialized in developing and building wind farms, addressed the BOC to help challenge the Resolution of Zaporizhzhia OSA, which partly met current legislation. Complainant wanted to build objects of wind farm on land parcels, lent to him into lease by the State, which required permit from ZOSA to draw up the working land management plan on recultivation of land, the soil cover of which will be damaged during construction. In its reply to Complainant’s request, ZOSA approved the permission to draw up the plan, yet it obliged Complainant to provide the working plan for state ecological expertize in accordance with the Article 14 of the Law of Ukraine “On ecological expertize”. Complainant didn’t find any legal requirements for mandatory ecological expertize and turned to the BOC.
Actions taken: Having examined materials of the case, the BOC investigator addressed Zaporizhzhia OSA with request to revise the issued to Complainant Resolution for compliance with legislation, and to make necessary amendments.
Result achieved: On May 5, the Complainant informed the Council that the Resolution was amended and he was granted permit to draw up the working land management plan. The case was closed.
TOV “EuroСape Ukraine I” gets permit for land development documentation