A welding wires manufacturer complained to the Business Ombudsman Council because the tax authority began massively blocking the company’s tax invoices. To solve the problem, the company submitted a taxpayer’s data table several times, however the tax authority constantly refused to accept it.
Even before the full-scale invasion of the russian federation, the company exported products to russia and belarus. Despite the absence of this factor as a formal ground for not accepting the data table, it was was settlement operations with counterparties in aggressor countries that became the reason for the mass blocking of the company’s tax invoices.
BOC brought up the complaint for consideration by the Expert Group with the State Tax Service of Ukraine (STS of Ukraine). During the Expert Group meeting, one managed to find out exactly what information was missing to accept the company’s data table. As a result, after the complainant resubmitted the data table, it was taken into account by the STS.
The STS takes into account a data table of a welding wires manufacturer