Complainee: The State Treasury Service of Ukraine Department in Darnytskyi district of Kyiv (State Treasury)
Complaint in brief: The Council received a complaint from a Kyiv-based construction company. The enterprise complained about the State Treasury that did not pay a debt of UAH 2.5 mn. for the work the complainant performed for the utility company.
A debt was confirmed by the order of Economic Court of Kyiv. The court decision on debt repayment had already become effective and was sent to the State Treasury for enforcement. Despite numerous Complainant’s appeals, the State Treasury delayed debt amortisation.
Actions taken: Having examined the circumstances of the case, the Council’s investigator in writing addressed a chief budget funds administrator in the respective district of Kyiv. The investigator asked to arrange a meeting engaging all the parties to solve the company’s issue.
Result achieved: The meeting turned out to be surprisingly effective. The debtor’s utility company director informed the debt to the Complainant was repaid in full. The company confirmed the funds came to its account on the same day. The case was closed successfully.
The State Treasury pays the debt to the construction company