Subject of complaint: Kyiv Customs of the State Fiscal Service (Kyiv Customs)
Complaint in brief: A private company selling crop-protecting agents from German manufacturer turned to the Council with a complaint about the actions of Kyiv Customs.
Kyiv Customs completely stopped customs clearance of the importer’s cargoes, since incomplete information about the country of origin of the products was indicated in its certificates. It resulted in blocking operations and losses of the Complainant. Products worth over UAH 60 mn got stuck during customs clearance.
Disagreeing with the government agency actions, the company applied to the Business Ombudsman Council.
Actions taken: To find out the reasons for customs clearance suspension the Council’s investigator arranged a meeting with the participation of both the Complainant and Kyiv Customs top management. In addition, the BOC brought up the company’s issue at the meeting with the Head of the Department of Environmental Safety and Permit Activity of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (Minecology).
Result achieved: The Council contributed to establishing an effective dialogue between Kyiv Customs and Minecology. Following the meetings, the parties considered the problem and developed an action plan. To complete the customs clearance, they approved the procedure for amending the State Registration Certificate for pesticides and agrochemicals mentioning the manufacturing plants based on the relevant statements of the Complainant. The case was closed successfully.
The procedure for customs clearance of agrochemicals established