Subject of complaint: State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (SFS), Main Department of SFS of Ukraine in the City of Kyiv (MD of SFS in the City of Kyiv)
Complaint in brief: On April 24, 2017, a construction company with foreign investment TOV Martin turned to the BOC regarding delay by MD of SFS in the City of Kyiv to refund to Complainant VAT for October 2016 in the amount over UAH 37 mn. The Complainant tried to solve the issue, and turned to the SFS of Ukraine and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, but to no avail.
Action taken: The BOC investigator found out that the SFS performed unscheduled on-site tax audit of the Complainant and compiled a certificate stating that the Complainant didn’t violate the legislation when declaring budget VAT refund.
Thus the BOC investigator addressed the SFS and the MD of SFS in the City of Kyiv of Ukraine with the request to refund VAT to the Complainant. He also presented the case at the meeting of the BOC-SFS expert group.
Result achieved: On July 11, the Complainant informed the Council that VAT for October 2016 was repaid to him in full. The case was closed.
SFS refunds VAT worth over UAH 37 mn to TOV Martin