Subject of complaint: State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (SFS of Ukraine)
Complaint in brief: On July 12, 2016, the Complainant, a factory-farm enterprise with foreign investments, lodged a complaint with the BOC regarding VAT non-refund by SFS of Ukraine in amount over UAH 418 mn. for separate periods of 2013-2016.
Action taken: Having investigated the matter of Complainant, the BOC investigator has submitted it to the sessions of BOC and SFS working group on August 9 and 23.
Result achieved: Following the meetings of working group, Complainant informed the Council that VAT in amount of UAH 344 mn has been repaid to him. On November 3, Complainant notified that the matter doesn’t need any further involvement on the part of BOC. The case was closed
SFS refunds VAT in amount over UAH 344 mn. to factory-farm enterprise