Subject of complaint: Pechersk District State Administration in Kyiv (Pechersk DSA), Ministry of Justice
Complaint in brief: On October 12, 2016, the Complainant, a power engineering and industrial construction firm, lodged a complaint with the BOC regarding the actions of state registrars at the Pechersk DSA, who had registered changes in the Complainant’s statutory documents and organizational structure based on falsified documents.
Action taken: The BOC investigator sent a request to the Ministry of Justice to immediately call a Commission to consider a complaint regarding state registration in order to review the Complainant’s charges. The Commission met on October 18.
Result achieved: Next day after the meeting, the Complainant informed the Council that the changes in the firm’s statutory documents had been withdrawn. The case was closed
Ministry of Justice withdraws illegal changes to statutory documents by Pechersk district state administration