
Pechersk tax office stops demanding that Nielsen Global sign additional e-doc agreement

Tax issues: Problems with the electronic VAT administration Kyiv

Subject of complaint: State Tax Inspection in Pechersk District of Kyiv (Pechersk STI) of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (SFS)
Complaint in brief: On June 22, 2016, the Complainant, TOV Nielsen Global, a global marketing research company registered in Kyiv, lodged a complaint with the BOC regarding an unfounded demand from the Pechersk STI that Nielsen Global sign a second agreement, in addition to the existing one, on the recognition of electronic documents. 
Action taken: After examining the case, the BOC investigator sent a request to the SFS and Pechersk STI to look into the actions of Pechersk STI officials, and take the necessary steps to halt their inappropriate demand to conclude a second agreement, in addition to the existing Agreement on the recognition of electronic documents. On October 10, the Complainant received a second letter from STI obliging him to conclude the additional agreement to the agreement. The BOC investigator immediately brought the issue up with Pechersk STI inspector.
Result achieved: After the BOC investigator’s personal intervention, the BOC received a letter that day from the Pechersk STI acknowledging that the previously-concluded agreement on the recognition of electronic documents signed between the Complainant and Pechersk STI was still in force, and no additional agreement was necessary. The case was successfully closed.

Next case:: SFS stops systematic increases of the declared customs value of imported goods