Subject of complaint: State Tax Inspection in Pechersk District of Kyiv (Pechersk STI) of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (SFS)
Complaint in brief: On June 22, 2016, the Complainant, TOV Nielsen Global, a global marketing research company registered in Kyiv, lodged a complaint with the BOC regarding an unfounded demand from the Pechersk STI that Nielsen Global sign a second agreement, in addition to the existing one, on the recognition of electronic documents.
Action taken: After examining the case, the BOC investigator sent a request to the SFS and Pechersk STI to look into the actions of Pechersk STI officials, and take the necessary steps to halt their inappropriate demand to conclude a second agreement, in addition to the existing Agreement on the recognition of electronic documents. On October 10, the Complainant received a second letter from STI obliging him to conclude the additional agreement to the agreement. The BOC investigator immediately brought the issue up with Pechersk STI inspector.
Result achieved: After the BOC investigator’s personal intervention, the BOC received a letter that day from the Pechersk STI acknowledging that the previously-concluded agreement on the recognition of electronic documents signed between the Complainant and Pechersk STI was still in force, and no additional agreement was necessary. The case was successfully closed.