
Ministry of Ecology approves complainant’s documents in the fourth attempt

Other state regulators StateGeoCadastre Kyiv

Complainee:  The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (Ministry of Ecology) 
Complaint in brief: The Council received a complaint from a Kharkiv-based scientific and technical enterprise. The company failed to include information about itself in the list of companies justifying air pollutant emissions volumes. To be included in this list, the complainant applied to the Ministry of Ecology with a package of necessary documents. However,  the Ministry of Ecology refused to include the complainant in the respective list due to a number of technical shortcomings in the submitted documents. Despite a number of attempts, the complainant received constant denials in view of various deficiencies in the submitted documents. 
Actions taken: The investigator examined the circumstances of the case and found the complaint substantiated. The Council recommended the Ministry of Ecology to ensure a proper consideration of the application for inclusion of the complainant in the list of enterprises having the right to provide services for measuring volumes of air pollutants emissions. During complaint investigation, thanks to efforts of the investigator, a transparent dialogue between the complainant and the Ministry was established. Thus, the Ministry put forward an exhaustive list of remarks on the documents submitted by the complainant to correct the deficiencies.
Result achieved: The Ministry of Ecology accepted the Council’s recommendations and listed the complainant in the respective catalogue. The Council managed to build proper communication between the company and the state body and overcome the misunderstandings that had arisen earlier. The company thanked the investigator in charge for promptness in resolving the complaint. The case was successfully closed. Taking the opportunity, it is worth noting the constructive and transparent dialogue of the Ministry of Ecology.

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