Subject of complaint: Ministry of Justice (MoJ), State Service for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre (GeoCadastre)
Complaint in brief: In June 2017, a major Ukrainian automobile holding turned to the BOC with a complaint against the MoJ and GeoCadastre. The Complainant stated that the State Registrar had modified information regarding the ownership of land plots that belong to the Complainant. Eventually, the State Registrar corrected its mistake in the State Register of Ownership Rights. However, the changes were not automatically reflected in the State Land Cadastre. The Complainant had approached MoJ over this issue without success.
Action taken: On July 4, Deputy Business Ombudsman Iaroslav Gregirchak held a top-level meeting with MoJ. BOC experts understood that regulatory acts of the Cabinet of Ministers needed to be amended for data in the State Register of Rights and the State Land Cadastre to be properly synchronized.
Result achieved: As a result of the meeting, MoJ drafted the necessary legislative amendments. On July 12, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Resolution #509 “Approving the Procedure for access to the state registrars of rights to immovable property and the use of data from the State Land Cadastre.” The Complainant’s issue was solved in less than a month.
Major Ukrainian automobile holding has its ownership of land restored