Complainee: The Main Department of the State GeoCadastre in Zaporizhzhia Oblast (StateGeoCadastre)
Complaint in brief: The Institute of Effective Technologies-Geo, a company from Zaporizhzhia, delivering geodesy and land management services approached the Council. The Complainant disagreed with the StateGeoCadastre’s remarks to the land use documentation.
The Complainant developed a land management project to change the boundaries of Grygorivka village of Polohivskyi district in Zaporizhzhia Oblast. According to the legislation, the said documentation is subject to state expertaudit. However, the State GeoCadastre several times in a row refused giving the Complainant a positive expert’s opinion on the state examination results.
It should be noted that land management complaints are a particularly difficult cases , as legislation in this area is ever changing Due to this fact authorized authorities’ decisions may not always be predictable for businesses. Moreover, land users quite often come across incorrect information contained in the respective state registers. A similar situation occurred in this complaint as well.
Actions taken: In the framework of complaint the Council’s investigator in charge helped arrange and hold a meeting with the complainant and the StateGeoCadastre. The parties openly and objectively discussed the remarks to documentation and approved the procedure to eliminate them. During the meeting, the investigator stressed the need for good administration principles to be practically implemented in the work of state agencies, as well as for partner relationships between the business and the state to be built.
Result achieved: Following the discussion, the Complainant was able to obtain a positive state audit opinion and proceed to the next stage of setting the locality boundaries. In this particular case the StateGeoCadastre top management demonstrated a really constructive approach and actively contributed to resolving the issue.
Locality boundaries approved with the Council’s facilitation