Complainee: State Customs Service (SCS), Kyiv City Customs of State Customs Service of Ukraine (Kyiv Customs Office)
Complaint in brief: The Business Ombudsman Council received a complaint from a supplier of lamps and light equipment. The enterprise complained that Kyiv Customs Office practiced unjustified adjustments of the customs value of goods imported from China. Last year the enterprise tried to appeal the decision of the customs authority several times but did not get any result. Kyiv Customs Office responded that the enterprise did not provide additional documents needed to adjust the customs value of goods. Despite the fact the complainant submitted all necessary and possible documents the situation did not change. The company decided to seek help from the Council.
Actions taken: The investigator examined case materials and revealed the evidence of violation of the enterprise’s rights by the customs authority. The Council asked the administration of the SCS and Kyiv Customs Office in writing to cease unjustified adjustments of the customs value of goods from China.
Results achieved: Kyiv Customs Office upheld the recommendations of the Council. The complainant informed the investigator that after the Council’s interference the customs clearance of the relevant supporting documents was taking place without adjustments.
Kyiv Customs Office ceases systematic adjustments of customs value of diodes imported from China