Subject of complaint: Kramatorsk local Prosecutor’s Office employee (PO employee)
Complaint in brief: On May 19, 2017 a medical equipment distributor turned to the BOC with a complaint against a PO employee. According to the Complainant, the latter pressured the company and tried to find a formal reason to initiate a criminal case against it.
As the Complainant reported, this began soon after the enterprise won an open tender on medical goods provision to a local hospital. According to the Complainant, the PO had some doubts regarding the legitimacy of the company’s primacy in the competition.
Thus, the mentioned PO employee required the enterprise to provide him with original documents, submitted to the “Prozoro” system, allegedly to check their authenticity. As the Complainant mentioned, all the original documents, as well as signed and sealed copies, were submitted to the tender owner, and the credibility confirmation is outside of the PO responsibility.
Action taken: On May 31, the BOC Investigator started examining the circumstances of the case and legality of the PO employee actions. He sent two respective requests to the Prosecutor of Donetsk Region. At the beginning of July, the Investigator managed to initiate an internal check, conducted by the Donetsk Region Prosecutor’s Office since the PO employee’s actions indeed did not meet the legislation.
Result achieved: On July 31, Donetsk region PO informed the BOC that based on the internal check results the PO employee was imposed to penalties by depriving his financial award. The case was closed.
Kramatorsk Prosecutor’s Office employee incurs disciplinary responsibility for misconduct