Subject of complaint: State Fiscal Service (SFS), Oleksandriya Joint State Tax Inspection under the Kirovograd Oblast SFS
Complaint in brief: In July 2017, two enterprises that report to the Oleksandriya tax office turned to the BOC with similar complaints. Both companies had submitted tax invoices in time, but were unable to register them. In one case, the tax invoices simply disappeared from the system after being submitted; in another case, the tax invoices were blocked by the main SFS.
Action taken: Having studied the case, the BOC investigator turned to the Oleksandriya tax office with a request to assist the Complainants in submitting their tax invoices and not to fine one of them for submitting the tax invoice late. The BOC also involved both the main SFS and the Kirovograd Oblast SFS in resolving the issue.
Result achieved: Thanks to the BOC’s intervention, the Complainants managed to register their tax invoices. Both cases were successfully closed in a few days.
Kirovograd Oblast firms are able to properly register tax invoices