Subject of complaint: Pechersk District State Administration in Kyiv (Pechersk DSA)
Complaint in brief: On May 25, 2017, a financial/IT services provider registered in Kyiv turned to the BOC to help challenge illegal actions by the Pechersk DSA State Registrar, which had changed the company’s shareholder structure and management based on tampered documents. The Complainant also turned to the Commission for Registration Complaints under the Ministry of Justice with a request to organize a hearing on this case.
Actions taken: On May 30, the BOC investigator participated in the Commission session where he supported the position of the Complainant and stressed the need for an impartial review of the case.
Result achieved: On June 13, the Complainant informed the Council that the Commission had cancelled the registration entries, and the company returned to normal operations. The case was closed less than in a month and the Pechersk DSA State Registrar had access to the state register suspended for 90 days.
Illegal changes to statutory documents of financial / IT services provider dropped