Subject of complaint: Holosiyiv District State Enforcement Service (Holosiyiv Enforcement)
Complaint in brief: On January 18, 2018, a Polish manufacturer addressed the BOC with a complaint challenging inactivity on the part of Holosiyiv Enforcement.
The Complainant’s Ukrainian subsidiary owed the parent company nearly €40,000 for leasing payments. After a court ruled in favor of the parent company, the debtor transferred funds to the Holosiyiv Enforcement account in August 2017.
However, by January 2018, the Executive Service still hadn’t converted the amount received in hryvnia to euros and had not transferred the funds to the applicant’s bank account. Holosiyiv Enforcement reported that its accountants were not authorized to buy foreign currency to enforce a court judgment. The company appealed unsuccessfully to Holosiyiv Enforcement on its own, with a number of suggestions for how to transfer the funds. Meanwhile the euro/hryvnia exchange rate was rising, and during the delay, the funds intended for the Complainant had devalued by 10%.
Actions taken: The BOC investigator appealed to Holosiyiv Enforcement with a request to respond actively and transfer funds to the Complainant. She also talked with the Holosiyiv Enforcement official in charge of this case and arranged a meeting with the officer.
Result achieved: With the assistance of the Council, Holosiyiv Enforcement transferred the funds to the Complainant in full in early February. The case was successfully closed.
Holosiyiv enforcement agency transfers Euro debt to Polish parent company