Subject of complaint: State Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Service in Sambir County, Lviv Oblast
Complaint in brief: The Complainant, an enterprise with foreign investment (EFI) located in Lviv Oblast, lodged a complaint with the BOC to challenge the Sambir County office of GeoCadastre over dereliction of its duty to issue extracts of technical documentation on the standards for cash value assessments of land with the proper coefficient for an industrial enterprise.
Actions taken: In January 2017, the BOC investigator addressed the Sambir County office of GeoCadastre with a request to act on the Complainant’s request. In its reply, GeoCadastre informed the Council that it would issue an extract of the technical documentation to the Complainant after the company submitted a new application.
Result achieved: Following the BOC’s involvement, the Complainant submitted a new request for an extract of the technical documentation on the standards for cash value assessments of land. On February 21, the Complainant informed the Council that the extract with the proper coefficient for industrial enterprises was received. The case was closed successfully.
GeoCadastre issues extract of technical documentation to enterprise with foreign investment