Subject of complaint: State Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Service of Ukraine (GeoCadastre) in Kyiv Oblast
Complaint in brief: On June 1, 2016, two Complainants, small farming enterprises “Dary Laniv” and “Hermes”, registered in Kyiv Oblast, asked the BOC to help challenge numerous groundless refusals by GeoCadastre in Kyiv Oblast to grant approval to draw up documentation to allocate a land parcel for private ownership for agricultural use. These refusals took place between August 2015 and April 2016.
Action taken: On June 10, the Council turned to the Main Office of GeoCadastre with a request to settle the issue of granting approval. The BOC also requested that GeoCadastre conduct an official investigation of the case.
Result achieved: On July 19, the Council was informed by GeoCadastre’s Main Office that the problem with granting approval was successfully resolved without an official investigation. The Complainants’ problems were completely resolved and the case was successfully closed.
Farm firms “Dary Laniv” and “Hermes” receive approvals for land allocation after numerous refusals