Complainee: Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine; the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
Complaint in Brief: On 25 May 2015 a private enterprise turned to the BOC. The complaint was about issues with importing collagen casings from Poland to Ukraine. Currently, according to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, import of such goods is subject to mandatory veterinary checks, requiring, respective veterinary certificate of the producer. As Poland does not require veterinary checks of such products, there is a great problem to get this collagen casings in Ukraine. The Complainant addressed this matter to various state authorities. As a result, the idea to exempt collagen casings from the veterinary control has been backed up by the State Regulatory Service and the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine. Subsequently the Ministry of Agrarian Policy elaborated draft amendments to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, but there was no progress.
Actions taken: The BOC had some meetings with officials from respective ministries and State Consumer Service. As a result, the Draft Legislation was published on the web portal of the State Veterinary and Phytosanitary Service of Ukraine for public discussion.
Result achieved: On 24 August 2015 the Ministry of Agrarian Policy submitted the draft law for the approval of the central state authorities. At this stage the BOC shall monitor how the work on advancing Draft Legislation will progress.
Difficulties in collagen casings importing due to discrepancy in legislation