Subject of complaint: Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MEDT)
Complaint in brief: A printing company registered in Kharkiv turned to the BOC for help in getting MEDT officials to clarify the steps necessary to cancel a special sanction the Ministry had imposed on the Complainant.
The sanction comprised a regime of individual licensing on foreign economic activity due to a supposed failure to collect outstanding payments from a UK counterparty. The Complainant’s debtor could not repay the debt since it was in foreclosure. In response to the Complainant’s request, the MEDT temporarily suspended the sanction. By law, however, the sanction could be lifted only after the debt had been collected. This meant that, eventually, the Complainant would need to address the MEDT about its suspension again.
Action taken: On May 12, the BOC investigator addressed a request to the MEDT to clarify what the Complainant needed to do in order to cancel the special sanction. In its reply, the MEDT informed the BOC that for the Ministry to consider dropping the sanction, the Complainant needed to provide the MEDT with authorized and translated copies of documents that confirmed the closure of its UK counterparty.
Result achieved: The Complainant received the necessary written explanation from MEDT confirming the options for lifting the sanction once the Complainant provided documents proving the debtor’s liquidation. The case was closed.
Complainant received explanation from MEDT regarding lifting the sanction