Subject of complaint: Kyiv Customs office under the State Fiscal Service
Complaint in brief: The Complainant, a Ukrainian importer of confectionery Company New Line LTD, registered in Odesa, in March 2016 requested the BOC’s assistance in returning customs clearance amounts paid in excess. Previously the Complainant had successfully challenged with the court the customs clearance adjustment by the Kyiv Customs. Yet, despite that customs clearance adjustment has been revoked by the court ruling, the amounts paid in excess were not returned to the Complainant.
Action taken: The BOC met with the Kyiv Customs representative to discuss the merits of the complaint. Following the meeting, Kyiv Customs reported to the BOC that they had prepared the necessary report to return the overpaid customs clearance amounts.
Result achieved: On 15 June 2016 the BOC was informed by the Complainant on receipt of the overpaid amounts and the case was closed. The Complainant thanked the BOC for its assistance.
Candy importer gets excess customs duty returned