Subject of complaint: County Police Department of Main Department of National Police in Ternopil Oblast (CPD)
Complaint in brief: On February 8, 2017, the Complainant, an agricultural firm registered in Ternopil Oblast, requested that the BOC help challenge the inaction of inspectors at a CPD in Ternopil Oblast. The company had filed a criminal case with the courts because company employees had been beaten, yet police inspectors were not taking any steps to investigate.
Action taken: On the day the complaint was received, the BOC investigator arranged a phone conversation, and on February 21 requested in the written form that the Main Department of National Police in Ternopil Oblast look into the circumstances of complaint. In its reply to the BOC, the National Police confirmed that the company’s suit was justified. The Police ordered the CPD investigators to get serious about investigating the criminal case. Meanwhile, the National Police also launched an internal investigation regarding the failure to act.
The BOC investigator also discussed the complaint with the official at the Ternopil Oblast State Administration. This led to two meetings between the Management of the Ternopil Administration and oblast law enforcement authorities in February.
Result achieved: As result of the BOC intervention, the criminal investigation was activated and the police inspectors guilty of inaction received a reprimand and a reminder about the need for proper discipline. The BOC closed the case within a month since receiving the initial complaint. The Complainant thanked the Council for successful resolving the company’s issue.
BOC helps agro firm get a criminal investigation on track