To include in the Draft Law No.6232 provisions which would: -Introduce amendments to the Administrat…

To include in the Draft Law No.6232 provisions which would: -Introduce amendments to the Administrative Procedural Code of Ukraine providing that the subject matter of the claims in the administrative proceedings cannot be demand to cancel or revoke the registration entries in the state registries, if enforcement of decision taken in such a case would directly result in the emergence, modification or termination of real rights or encumbrances.Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine


Based on the report:


Administration of the President of Ukraine,



— comments: In accordance with p. 3 of Art. 19 of the Code of Administrative Adjudication of Ukraine dated 07.01.2018, administrative courts do not consider claims that derive from claims in a private-law dispute and are filed therewith, if this dispute is subject to consideration other than as provided hereunder, and is being considered by the relevant court.

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Next recommendation: To include in the Draft Law No.6232 provisions which would:-Introduce amendments to the Civil Proced...