To draft amendments to the current legislation, particularly:-Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine &#8220…

To draft amendments to the current legislation, particularly:-Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Licensing of Certain Types of Economic Activities” should be amended by introduction of legally binding deadlines for implementation of SRS’s orders based on decisions of Expert Appeal Council.-in Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Permit System in the Sphere of Economic Activity” a broader definition of the “permitting document” should be added, including declarations;it should also be allowed to issue permits in other than electronic form (i.e. on paper). amend Article 166-10 of the CAO regarding the establishment of liability of heads of control bodies for violations identified by the SRS when conducting control measures.

Based on the report:


State Regulatory Service, Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine,


In process

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Next recommendation: To introduce the system of notification of owners of a legal entity or their representatives (by for...